Spring is coming and we are extra positive and motivated, so it`s a perfect time to present you something new from our service. We want to ensure you get only the best from our photography, so from now on your treasured moment can be saved in this handmade coffee table wedding book that we are very proud.
Textile cover brings that cute vintage touch, and a high-quality Lustre or Matte paper in a lay-flat binding will ensure your photos look stunning every time you look at them. The length of this square book is 60 cm when fully opened, and its designed for 60 pages. It comes with a natural wooden box so it safe and looks beautiful.
Additionally, it’s possible to order a package with four books: one coffee table wedding book, two parental books in a bit smaller dimensions but with the same content as “the big one”, and that adorable engagement book designed on 30 pages from the best pictures made on engagement session. Belive us, our brides really love their engagement books, you should get yours too.
- 30×30 cm when closed
- textile cover with central square picture in glass
- lay flat binding with Lustre or Matte photo paper
- 60 pages
- handmade wooden box
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Dolaskom proljeća posebno smo motivirani, stoga Vam s ponosom predstavljamo novosti iz naše ponude. Uvijek težimo osigurati mladencima samo najbolje proizvode, stoga odsad svoje najdragoicjenije trenutke možete sačuvati u novom wedding booku popularnog naziva “coffee table”, komaktnih dimenzija 30×30 cm, neodoljivog vintage štiha. Karakterizira ga platneni cover s centralnom fotografijom u staklu, ravni “lay-flat” uvez te 60 stranica uspomena otisnutih na fotografskom Lustre ili mat papiru. Wedding book dolazi u prirodnoj drvenoj kutiji koja ga čuva i istovremeno izgleda odlično.
Dodatno, u ponudi je i paket koji uključuje četiri albuma: navedeni coffe table book, dva manja wedding booka dimenzija 20×20 cm iste dezene i sadržaja namjenjena roditeljima ili kumovima, te neodoljivi zaručnički book dizajniran na 30 stranica od fotografija nastalih na prewedding sessionu. Naši mladenci obožavaju svoj zaručnički album, stoga ga toplo preporučamo.
- 30×30 cm zatvoren
- cover od tkanine s centralnom fotografijom u staklu
- lay flat uvez s Lustre ili mat fotografskim papirom
- 60 stranica
- ručno izrađena drvena kutija